Friday, May 14, 2004

Paper representation: Goudail97Optimal

Optimal target tracking on image sequences with a deterministic background from JOSA-A
Philippe Refregier is famous and he has a paper on optical trade-off filter, but he didn't talk too much about it. There were no examples no results, only some of his thinking. It was published maybe because he is famous.
Anyway, this is a good paper and there are not too many papers on MTT in JOSA A. This paper uses Maximum Likelihood (ML) and correlation method. The correlation process could be very slow. There are some assumptions and it makes the process easy, such like, they know the information of the target (r).

I photocopied the paper about Symmetric Measurement Equations (SME), "Multiple target tracking based on symmetric measurement equations"
Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
Year = {March 1992},
Title = {Multiple target tracking based on symmetric measurement equations},
Number = {3},
Pages = {371-374},
Author = {E.W. Kamen},
Volume = {37}}

Ganesh presented a paper "A comparative review of camera calibrating methods with accuracy evaluation" from Pattern Recognition. This journal is well organized. The paper introduces several methods to implement calibration and remove several kinds of distortion. I may compare it with my former work. The slide of this paper is here.

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