Tuesday, May 24, 2005

LabVIEW trivialness -6

1. Wire two arrays of different sizes to the Add function, the result size is the size of the smaller input array

Use the Add function to add a scalar value to an array, the function adds the scalar value to each element of the array.
2. You can wire an error cluster to the conditional terminal of a While Loop to stop the iteration of the While Loop. When you wire the error cluster to the conditional terminal, only the True or False value of the status parameter of the error cluster is passed to the terminal. When an error occurs, the While Loop stops.
3a. The waveform graph accepts a single array of values and interprets the data as points on the graph and increments the x index by one starting at x=0 . The graph also accepts a cluster of an initial x value, a delta x , and an array of y data

3b. A multiplot waveform graph also accepts a cluster of an x value, a delta x value, and a 2D array of y data.

3c. A multiplot waveform graph accepts a 2D array of values
3d. A multiplot waveform graph accepts a cluster of an initial x value, a delta x value, and an array that contains clusters,each cluster contains a point array that contains the y data. You also can use the Build Cluster Array, which creates arrays of clusters that contain inputs you specify

4. The single-plot XY graph accepts a cluster that contains an xx array and a yy array. The XY graph also accepts an array of points, where a point is a cluster that contains an x value and a y value
5. The multiplot XY graph accepts an array of plots, where a plot is a cluster that contains an x array and a y array. The multiplot XY graph also accepts an array of clusters of plots, where a plot is an array of points. A point is a cluster that contains an x value and a y value

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