#include <stdio.h>
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void f(
IplImage* src,
IplImage* dst
) {
CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
CvSeq* comp = NULL;
cvPyrSegmentation( src, dst, storage, &comp, 4, 200, 50 );
int n_comp = comp->total;
for( int i=0; i<n_comp; i++ ) {
CvConnectedComp* cc = (CvConnectedComp*) cvGetSeqElem( comp, i );
// do_something_with( cc );
cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Create a named window with a the name of the file.
cvNamedWindow( argv[1], 1 );
// Load the image from the given file name.
IplImage* src = cvLoadImage( argv[1] );
if(!src) { printf("Couldn't seem to Open %s, sorry\n",argv[1]); return -1;}
IplImage* dst = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), src->depth, src->nChannels);
f( src, dst);
// Show the image in the named window
cvShowImage( argv[1], dst );
// Idle until the user hits the "Esc" key.
while( 1 ) { if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) == 27 ) break; }
// Clean up and don’t be piggies
cvDestroyWindow( argv[1] );
cvReleaseImage( &src );
cvReleaseImage( &dst );
code from 'learning opencv' book
Hi Weiz,
ReplyDeleteI tried to run your program "cvPyrSegmentation", but I got an error.
It says that the "cvPyrSegmentation" function has a bad argument, but the code is identical to yours.
Do you know what's wrong?
Best Regards.
I have the same problem!!
ReplyDeleteDoes Everybody know something about it?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteyour image size was probably the problem.
ReplyDeleteThe 5th argument (level) cannot be larger than the number of times the smallest dimension of the image is divisible by 2.
imagesize = 1024x1024
level can be any integer between 1 and 10
imagesize = 1024x512
level can be any integer between 1 and 9
imagesize = 80 x 1000
level can be any integer between 1 and 4
...with the argument of 4 for level, the image you were processing had to have a smallest dimension (width or height) that was a multiple of 16 = 2x2x2x2
ReplyDeleteYeah, check pyramid_segmentation.c in OpenCV\samples\c. You can also resize your image first using
ReplyDeleteimage->width &= -(1<height &= -(1<<level)
where level is your level argument to cvPyrSegmentation()
Hmm, that didn't come out right above. That should read:
ReplyDeleteimage->width &= -(1 << level)
image->height &= -(1 << level)